This water usage calculator helps you estimate your daily and annual water usage based on different activities in your life. It’s a simple way to see how much water you consume and how it compares to your country’s average.

Personal Water Footprint Calculator
10 minutes
5 minutes

Your Estimated Water Footprint

Step 1: Select Your Country

The water footprint can vary depending on where you live. Use the dropdown menu labeled “Select Your Country” to choose your country. This will help the calculator show you the average water usage in your area for comparison.

Step 2: Enter Your Water Usage Details

1. Shower/Bath

Shower Type: Choose the type of showerhead you use:

  • Standard Shower: Uses 12 liters per minute.
  • Low-Flow Shower: Uses 9 liters per minute.
  • High-Flow Shower: Uses 15 liters per minute.
  • Average Shower Time: Use the slider to set how long your showers usually last. The number of minutes is displayed next to the slider.
  • Shower Frequency: Enter how often you shower. Adjust the dropdown to indicate if it’s per day, per week, every two weeks, or per month.

2. Toilet Flushing

Toilet Flushes: Enter the number of times you flush the toilet per day.

Toilet Type: Select the type of toilet you use:

  • Modern Toilet: Uses 4-6 liters per flush.
  • Older Toilet: Uses 13 liters per flush.

3. Laundry

Washing Machine Type: Choose the type of washing machine:

  • High-Efficiency: Uses 40-50 liters per load.
  • Older Machine: Uses up to 100 liters per load.

Laundry Loads: Enter the number of laundry loads you do. Select the frequency from the dropdown (per week, fortnight, or month).

4. Dishwashing

Dishwashing Method: Choose how you wash dishes:

  • Hand Washing: Uses 20-30 liters per session.
  • Modern Dishwasher: Uses 15-20 liters per cycle.
  • Older Dishwasher: Uses 40 liters per cycle.

Dishwashing Frequency: Enter how often you wash dishes. Choose the frequency from the dropdown.

5. Cooking & Drinking

Cooking & Drinking Water: Enter the number of liters of water you use daily for drinking and cooking.

6. General Faucet Use

General Faucet Use: Use the slider to set how many minutes per day you use the faucet for activities like washing hands, brushing teeth, etc.

7. Gardening/Lawn Watering

Gardening Time: Enter the average time you spend watering your garden. Choose the frequency from the dropdown (per week or per month).

8. Car Washing

Car Washes: Enter the number of times you wash your car per month.

9. Dietary Habits

Diet: Choose your diet type:

  • Meat-heavy: Consumes around 1500 liters of water per day.
  • Vegetarian: Consumes around 1000 liters per day.
  • Vegan: Consumes around 800 liters per day.

Step 3: Calculate Your Water Footprint

Click the “Calculate” button to see your estimated water footprint.

The results will show:

  • Daily Water Footprint: How many liters of water you use per day.
  • Annual Water Footprint: Your total water consumption for the year.

Understanding Your Results

After you click “Calculate,” you’ll see a bar chart comparing your annual water footprint to the average water usage in your country.

  • Your Usage: Shows how much water you consume annually.
  • Country Average: Shows the average annual water consumption for the selected country.

Tips for Reducing Your Water Footprint

  • Consider using low-flow showerheads and faucets to reduce water usage.
  • Limit shower times and use energy-efficient appliances like washing machines and dishwashers.
  • Opt for a diet that consumes less water, such as vegetarian or vegan.

This calculator gives you a clearer picture of your water consumption, helping you make more sustainable choices!

Also take a look at the following calculator to calculate the carbon footprint for clothing.